Our Values & Beliefs


God is a good God. God exists eternally in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is the Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer of all creation. He has manifested Himself for humanity through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. (Genesis 1: 1; Psalm 118: 1; John 10: 30; John 14: 9; John 16: 13 – 15; Matthew 28: 18, 19)

The Bible

God reveals His will for mankind through the Bible. The Bible is the inspired Word of God through which God blesses and prospers humanity.  It is the product of holy men who spoke and wrote as they were commanded by the Holy Spirit. (II Timothy 3:16; I Thessalonians 2:3; II Peter 1:21)

Demons and Devils

Satan is the father of rebellion and disloyalty. All sickness, poverty, and suffering came into the earth in “The Garden”, through the rebellion which originated with Satan. (Genesis 3: 1 – 19; John 10: 10; Revelation 12: 7 – 9; Acts 10: 38)


Through Jesus Christ, God offers every human being salvation which involves receiving God’s nature, instant pardon for all sins, redemption from the curse, reunion with the Family of God, the development of an attitude of obedience and love toward God, cooperating with God to bring His Kingdom and blessings to our world, and going to Heaven when we leave the earth. (Matthew 28: 18 – 20; Mark 16: 15 – 18)

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the invisible Presence and power of the Lord who manifests Himself among Christ’s followers, to help us love and obey God, and help us fulfill the commission of Christ on the earth. (Matthew 12: 28; John 14: 16 – 17; John 16: 7 – 14; Luke 4: 18, 19)

The Church

The Church is God’s family, and Christ’s body. Our first ministry is to God, therefore we worship with extravagant joy & gratitude. Jesus is empowering the Church to make disciples and to cover the earth with God’s Kingdom of love and blessings. (Matthew 16: 18; John 14: 12; Matthew 28: 18 – 20; Mark 16: 15 – 18; Ephesians 11 – 16; Ephesians 2: 19 – 22)

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is a balance between growing in faith and growing in love. Faith comes as we hear and act on the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. Love grows as we participate in the local church together. (Romans 10: 17; Luke 5: 15; I Peter 2: 2; Hebrews 10: 24, 25; James 2: 2 – 4; John 13: 35)

Human Destiny

Man was created to exist forever with God. People will exist either eternally united with God through the Lordship of Jesus Christ or eternally separated from God by sin. (Psalm 9: 17; Matthew 11: 23, 24; Revelation 5:1-10; Revelation 21, 22)